What Does Living Richly Mean to You?
What is Living Richly?
Living Richly is about living the life that is ideal for you. A lifestyle that allows you to spend your time how you want, with who you want, in order to feel fulfilled. One that is authentic and allows you to find true happiness. We’ll explain what it means to live richly, how it can help you find happiness, and how to kick start designing your rich life.
Living Richly is NOT just about money. There are people earning hundreds of thousands a year and drowning in debt and crippled by stress and anxiety. There are also people making an average salary who feel content and happy. So what’s the secret? How does one experience a fulfilling and meaningful life regardless of their monetary status?

A Rich Life cannot be measured by income and net worth. The secret to finding happiness is having a lifestyle with FREEDOM and FLEXIBILITY. You can be rich on any salary if you’ve created a life where you can do the things you enjoy.
Living Richly can be spending time with your kids, or NOT spending time with your kids.
My daughter’s favorite thing is sleepover summer camp, where she gets to spread her wings and take on new adventures. And her Dad and I get some quality time together doing non-parent things! Whether it’s dining out or cooking in, or taking a class or teaching one, or reading a book or writing one.
Why Is Living Richly Important?
Free time can have a significant impact on your personal happiness. How you choose to spend your free time can greatly influence your overall well-being and sense of contentment. Here are some ways in which free time can affect personal happiness:
- Autonomy and Control: Having control over how you spend your free time can lead to a greater sense of autonomy and choice in your life. This feeling of control can contribute to feelings of happiness and well-being.
- Pursuing Passions: Engaging in hobbies, creative endeavors and activities that ignite passion during your leisure hours can provide a positive emotional boost.
- Reducing Stress; Participating in leisure activities, spending time amidst nature or practicing relaxation techniques can help alleviate stress levels and enhance your mood.
- Meaningful Relationships: Spending quality time to maintain relationships with loved ones can strengthen bonds and provide emotional support, contributing to a greater sense of happiness and belonging.
- Personal Growth: Utilizing your free time for personal growth is essential. Whether it involves learning new skills, reading or pursuing educational opportunities, this sense of achievement can boost self esteem and overall satisfaction in life.
- Mindfulness and Reflection: Free time can provide space for mindfulness, self-reflection, and introspection. Engaging in practices like meditation or journaling can help you better understand yourself, your goals, and your values, which fosters a deeper sense of purpose.
- Work-Life Balance: When you have time to rest, recharge, and engage in activities unrelated to work, you’re more likely to feel satisfied with both your personal and professional life.
How To Design Your Rich Life
1. Define What Truly Makes You Happy: Identify the experiences, activities, values and possessions that truly bring you joy. Determine your short-term and long-term life goals including both financial aspirations and non-monetary objectives. These goals will serve as the basis for creating a budget that aligns with your values and dreams. Remember to adjust them according to different stages of life.

2. Make time for what matters most! Time should be regarded as the ultimate goal rather than money.
- Prioritize Experiences: Spend your resources on experiences that hold meaning to you, rather than impulsively buying fleeting things. Remember, experiences tend to bring longer lasting happiness compared to material possessions. It’s important to allocate a portion of your budget towards activities and adventures that create memorable moments.
- Build Strong Relationships: Invest time in nurturing your relationships. Meaningful bonds with family and friends have a significant impact on overall happiness and well-being and often don’t require significant financial expenditures.
- Pursue Personal Growth: Allocate resources to learning and personal development. Engaging in activities that help you grow as an individual can lead to a sense of accomplishment and well-being.
- Take Care of Yourself: Invest in self-care, including mental and physical health. Feeling good about yourself and your well-being contributes significantly to happiness.

3. Spend less money and time on the things that don’t matter, so you can afford to do the things that do. Save more towards what I like to call your “FREEDOM FUND”.

Live a rich life by building your freedom fund; Remember, living richly is a deeply personal concept; it varies from person to person based on their unique desires and values. To begin, it is crucial to align your values, desires and goals in order to create a life that brings you a sense of satisfaction and well being.
4. Think about what’s keeping you from living the rich life you’ve envisioned. In most cases, lack of financial knowledge, combined with negative beliefs about money, are roadblocks preventing us from living the life we want to live. How we think and feel about money has a huge influence on how we handle our finances. Recognize the money myths you’ve been telling yourself and get them out of your head.
You’ve designed the life You want to live – now what?
Congrats on achieving Milestone 1 – You’ve envisioned the life you want to live!
Now, learn more about the next 5 milestones on your journey to living richly!