Get Your life, finances and relationships on track in 2024
Tired of starting projects, resolutions, budgets and plans only to find them (and you) fizzle out half way through?
Then you’re in need of a powerful, but simple process that fine tunes your habits and behaviors and increases your productivity and likelihood of success!
Tis the season for New Years resolutions but its estimated only 9% of people who make them will keep them! Goal setting and knowing the why and how behind what you are pursuing is very important. The first month of the year is a perfect time for reflecting on the wins and losses in 2023 and planning how to progress in 2024.
Conducting a regular “Start. Stop. Continue.” retrospective will help you gain control over your actions and your life. Working through this method allows you to take time to reflect on where you have been in 2023, are currently at, and where you want to go and what you want to achieve in 2024. It’s a key step to designing the life you want to live, and actually achieving it.
By identifying what’s missing, what’s what’s not working, and is working, you can refine your vision of you “Rich Life” and ensure all those projects and plans you’re making are in alignment with your overall vision.
It doesn’t have to be done alone. You can do it in the company of friends, family or co-workers. It can be a fun bonding experience. Select people that you know will be honest with you (even if its hard to hear). You can also act each others accountability partners to improve your ability to stay on track!
Set Yourself Up for Success
- Let this new year be a year of following through.
- But most importantly, be sure to be following through on the right plans. Those at are aligned to your vision of what Living Richly means to you.
- Decide what you need to STOP doing, what you need to START doing and what you can continue doing.
The people, things and projects you give your time and energy to, will define your existence. It is the difference between merely existing and Living Richly.
The most important thing you can do for yourself (and everyone around you) is to protect your life energy.
Ensure you’re spending time with the right people, doing things that bring you joy, earning money in a way that aligns with your interests and values.
Stop. Start. Continue. Framework
This is the time to find out what needs to go! It may be tough to face the truth, but as they say, the truth will set you free.
Try these self-evaluation questions to reveal what’s holding you back:
- What are you wasting your time on?
- What errors do you keep repeating?
- Which elements of your life require the most effort for the least payoff?
- Are there any things you’re spending time on that are not in line with your living richly life goals?
These questions address specific actions that could improve your life — in other words, what you should start doing that you aren’t already. These can be in terms of your relationships, career, finances – any area of your life that could use improving.
Try these sample questions:
- Which challenges did you fail to account for?
- What do you need to address those challenges?
- What skills, opportunities, or tactics are you not fully leveraging?
- What do you need to succeed?
This part is all about the things you’re already doing right. And after hearing some harsh truths, its great to end on a positive note and celebrate your successes.
Ask these questions to figure out where your strengths are and double down!
- What tasks or projects were easy for you? In what ways?
- Which goals are you consistently achieving? Why?
- How did you step up when things got tough?
When and why you should use Start, Stop, Continue
The main goal of this retrospective is to help you accomplish your goals.
The best, most valuable time to start is
- At the beginning of a new year
- When you feel stagnant or stuck
- When things are off track (you’re overspending, overworked, over it all)
Take some time to do this quick assessment to put yourself on track to achieving your financial, career, fitness and relationship goals in 2024!

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